Uganda Mt. Elgon Sironko Rainforest Alliance
Roast Profile: Medium-Dark Roast
Coffee Tones: This coffee has a smooth body & taste. Tones include dark chocolate, pralines and a hint of dried berry.
Farm Information: The Sironko Coffee washing station sits in a unique location to accommodate arrivals from higher altitude farms up to 1850m along the slopes of Mt Elgon. Mt Elgon is an extinct volcano on the border with Kenya and is thought to be the oldest volcano on the African continent. The massive base and gentle slopes support thousands of smallholder farmers, with arabica coffee cultivated across a broad band around the mountain. Volcanic soils, plentiful rain, high altitude and abundant sunshine are all contributing factors to the excellent terroir of the Mt Elgon region and the subsequent exceptional cup quality.
4 oz. sample bag...$6
1 lb. valved bag.....$20