Our own store front! From roasting coffee to baking our own treats, this is where it all happens! Here you'll find us baking muffins, scones, brownies & cookies that will pair nicely with a fresh cup of coffee or loose leaf tea.
Fresh produce, amish baked goods, & locally roasted coffee all in one stop! We love having our coffee sold at this super cute farmers market. They even have their own speciality blend available for purchase.
Nothing beats fresh produce & fresh roasted coffee! Make sure to grab a bag or two of our Brazil, Guatemala, Berry's Blend or some of our other single origin coffees.
Whether it's with a Sunday brunch or a delicious dessert, a cup of R'z Specialty Blend is something you don't want to miss! This remarkable blend is bright & hits the spot no matter what time of day you have a cup. Afterwards, head over to the Brickhouse Boutique to grab a 4 oz. bag to enjoy every day at home or to share with a friend.